The determination of appropriate accommodations and auxiliary aids is a highly individualized process based on the student’s history, the nature of the student’s disability, and the documentation received. Accommodations must be both reasonable, and effective. Based on these factors, students may not receive all accommodations or auxiliary aids requested.
Possible Accomodations
Additional time on quizzes and tests
Carbonless notebooks
Digital recorders
Electronic text books
Ergonomic chair
Ergonomic keyboard
FM sound amplification system
Hand-held electronic magnifier
Hand-held standard magnifiers
Large button calculator
Large-screen monitors
Learning station modification
Note takers
Print enlargements
Quizzes and tests administered in a reduced-distraction environment
Readers for quizzes and tests
Record lectures
Screen readers
Smart pens
Special seating arrangement
Spelling aids
Telephone amplifier
Use of an interpreter
Use of a scribe
Use of a calculator
Use of a spell checker on quizzes and tests
Use of a word processor on written assignments
Voice recognition software
Zoom Tech Magnification and Screen Reading Machine