Please use our Services locator options below in order to find the service/resource you are looking for.
Campus Services
Instructional Videos
Online Services
Transfer Options
Useful Information
Policies & Handbooks
GOCC Student Handbook
Academic Information
- Online Learning
Online Learning courses meet the needs of learners who cannot, or prefer not, to attend traditionally-scheduled courses and programs. Online Learning courses are delivered in an online format. Students can access their courses anytime and anywhere they have internet access using various technologies to meet course requirements.
Need internet access? The Learning Commons have computer labs available for student use.
For more information about the college’s Online Learning courses, contact the Online Learning Office at 269-294-4306 or visit the Online Learning section of the website.
- Academic Calendars
- Attendance Policy
- Catalog Affecting Credits and Graduation
- Certificate/Degree Requirements
- Grade Appeals
- Grading System
- Graduation Application
- Honors
- Michigan Transfer Agreement
- Online Learning
Online Learning courses meet the needs of learners who cannot, or prefer not, to attend traditionally-scheduled courses and programs. Online Learning courses are delivered in an online format. Students can access their courses anytime and anywhere they have internet access using various technologies to meet course requirements.
Need internet access? The Learning Commons have computer labs available for student use.
For more information about the college’s Online Learning courses, contact the Online Learning Office at 269-294-4306 or visit the Online Learning section of the website.
- Placement Testing
- Registration Policy
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Schedule Change Policy
- Student/Faculty Concern Procedure
- Transcript Request Procedure
- Withdrawal Policy
Public Safety
Student Accounts
- Canvas –
- Canvas is the learning platform we use for Online Learning classes. Canvas is linked to your myGOCC account, so please make sure you have access to your myGOCC account before attempting to sign into Canvas.
- Email –
- Your Viking email is can be accessed from anywhere via the Gmail email service. Just provide your Viking email credentials to get logged in.
- Etrieve –
- Etrieve is our fully browser-based document management solution. It allows us to store and organize student’s documents in a single content repository. This is where you will come to fill out almost every required form at GOCC.
- myGOCC –
- With myGOCC you can view your latest statement, make a payment online, access financial aid data, view your grades, search for courses, plan your terms, and even schedule and register your course sections. Employees of Glen Oaks will also be able to use this system to view tax information and earning statements.
- Nelnet –
- To help you meet your education expenses, Glen Oaks Community College is pleased to offer Nelnet as a convenient budget plan. It is not a loan; therefore you have no debt, there are no interest or finance charges assessed and there is no credit check.
Student Life
Student Rights & Responsibilities
- Academic Standing Policy
- Access to Student Records Policy
- If you would like a third party to have access to your academic and/or financial records, you may complete an Authorization to Release Information Form
- Parking
- Students, staff, and visitors are all expected to park in the lot west of the building.
Contact the Human Resources Coordinator for a handicapped permit. A doctor’s statement is required.
- Policy on Campus Unrest, Dissent and Protest
- Report a Concern
- Service Animal Policy
- Smoke Free Campus
- Neither smoking nor tobacco in any form is allowed on campus including corridors, entryways, offices, classrooms, or the concourse.
No smoking is allowed in parking lots; however, persons may smoke inside their vehicles within the parking lot.
- Student Complaint Process
- Student Dress Code
- Students are expected to dress appropriately and in keeping with the adult community of which the college student is a part. The college reserves the right to make specific recommendations.
- Student ID Card
- Student ID cards may be obtained in Student Services. The first card is free. Replacement cards are $5.00, payable to the College Cashier.
- Student with Disabilities
- Glen Oaks Community College, in compliance with Section 504 of the 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and the 2009 Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended, is committed to making all of its programs and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. Students with documented disabilities may receive advocacy services, coordination with other agencies, the use of auxiliary aids, and reasonable accommodations through the Support Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office in the Student Services Office at Glen Oaks.
Contact Student Services if you have any questions or wish to discuss receiving services.
- Title IX
- Weather Closings/Cancellations
- Academic Standing Policy
- Access to Student Records Policy
- If you would like a third party to have access to your academic and/or financial records, you may complete an Authorization to Release Information Form
- Alcohol/Drug Abuse Policy
- Children on Campus
- Code of Conduct
- Due Process
- Emotional Support Animal Policy
- Freedom of Expression Policy
- GOCC Alerts
- Grievance Procedures
- Internet Student Use Policy
- Missing Student Policy
- New Student Enrollment Policy
- Non-discrimination Statement
- Parking
- Students, staff, and visitors are all expected to park in the lot west of the building.
Contact the Human Resources Coordinator for a handicapped permit. A doctor’s statement is required.
- Policy on Campus Unrest, Dissent and Protest
- Report a Concern
- Service Animal Policy
- Smoke Free Campus
- Neither smoking nor tobacco in any form is allowed on campus including corridors, entryways, offices, classrooms, or the concourse.
No smoking is allowed in parking lots; however, persons may smoke inside their vehicles within the parking lot.
- Student Complaint Process
- Student Dress Code
- Students are expected to dress appropriately and in keeping with the adult community of which the college student is a part. The college reserves the right to make specific recommendations.
- Student ID Card
- Student ID cards may be obtained in Student Services. The first card is free. Replacement cards are $5.00, payable to the College Cashier.
- Student with Disabilities
- Glen Oaks Community College, in compliance with Section 504 of the 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and the 2009 Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended, is committed to making all of its programs and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. Students with documented disabilities may receive advocacy services, coordination with other agencies, the use of auxiliary aids, and reasonable accommodations through the Support Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office in the Student Services Office at Glen Oaks.
Contact Student Services if you have any questions or wish to discuss receiving services.
- Title IX
- Weather Closings/Cancellations
Support Services
- Lost and Found – the Lost and Found is located in Student Services.
- Academic Advising
- Accommodations
- Campus Cupboard
- Career Counseling
- Community Resources
- Disability Support Services
- International Student Information
- Learning Commons/Library
- Lost and Found – the Lost and Found is located in Student Services.
- Mental Health Counseling
- Occupational Student Success Program
- Testing Center
- Transfer Support
- TRIO Student Support Services
- Tutoring
- Veteran Services
- Web Accessibility Policy
Dual Enrollment
& EMC Handbook
Student Policies
Nursing & Allied Health Policies
Privacy Policy
Glen Oaks Community College Privacy Policy
Thank you for visiting the Glen Oaks Community College website. Your privacy is very important to us.
- Personal Information
- Unless you choose to share personal information when you visit our website, our policy is not to collect your personal information.
If you voluntarily choose to share information through your visit to the college’s website, email or web forms, the college will use that information to respond to your requests for products and services. Glen Oaks will not share the information that is collected on the site with third parties unless required or authorized to do so by state or federal law.
- Non-Identifiable User Information
- Glen Oaks collects non-identifiable user information. This is information that cannot be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity such as their name, social security number, date, and place of birth, etc. This information includes Internet domain and IP address information as well information about the type of devices and browsers used to access the site. The type of non-identifiable information collected includes age, gender, geographical location and web pages visited. It does not include your personal email address or other personal information.
Collectively, the non-identifiable user information is used to help gather data as to what website pages visitors are accessing and the dates and times they are viewed. This data helps Glen Oaks better understand our audience for marketing purposes.
- Use of email addresses
- If you send an email to Glen Oaks during your visit to our website, your email address and message will be collected. Although e-mail addresses are public records in the state of Michigan, Glen Oaks uses email addresses only for their intended purpose and does not provide them to third parties unless required by law.
- Cookies
- Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the user’s computer while browsing a website. Glen Oaks uses cookie files to recognize you when you are visiting our pages. Cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. They are used to track usage information and visitor behavior and provide the college with data that can help make content adjustments and improve web page navigation for users. Cookies are also an important security tool as web servers know which accounts are logged in. This information is important for sites to know whether or not to send sensitive information.
- Marketing
- Glen Oaks utilizes a variety of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and LinkedIn.
Glen Oaks works with a marketing companies which assist us in digital marketing services. One of the products that we have purchased is a re-targeting product, which may show you advertisements for Glen Oaks when you visit other sites in the marketing company’s network or in third-party networks. This is done through the use of cookies that are provided by digital marketing firms through their third-party partners – advertising cookies. The sole use of these cookies is, as state above, to simply show you advertisements for our site, and are not used to track you in any other way. Moreover, our digital marketing firms with which we do business do not link the information in the cookies or any other cookie to any personal information that you may have provided.
- Opting Out
- Most browsers notify you if you receive a cookie, or you have the option to block by turning off cookies.
- Accessibility
- Glen Oaks Community College makes every effort to ensure our website is accessible to everyone. In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Glen Oaks will make reasonable accommodations to the known physical limitations of students in the Disability Support Services program.
- Disclaimer
- Glen Oaks provides website information herein as a public service, and works to achieve a high level of content accuracy. Glen Oaks makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy of the content contained on the website or its hyperlinks to other Internet pages. Neither Glen Oaks nor its content authors shall be liable for damages of any kind. Please report errors or omissions to the web developer.
For questions or further information about our website and information that is collected, please contact:
The Office of Communications and Marketing Glen Oaks Community College 62249 Shimmel Rd. Centreville, MI 49032 269-294-4329 Denise DeVries