Tips for Parents & Students
- Each student should know his/her log-in information for myGOCC and Glen Oaks Community College email. Have your student show you that he/she can log in to the appropriate sites. Students should check their Glen Oaks email daily for important information from their instructors, and EMC staff.
- Verify the days and times that classes meet. Is it a semester-long class? Is it an on-line class? Some classes overlap with high school course. Student will need to contact his/her Glen Oaks Instructor and High School teacher to make arrangements for missed classes and/or assignments.
- Students are committed to show up, attend all classes they are enrolled in, do the work and participate actively.
- Students need to review the course syllabus and understand the requirements, due dates, deadlines, and expectations for the course.
- Textbooks and supplied may be paid by your local school. Check with your guidance office before purchasing or renting text books.
- Students enrolled in an on-line course need to be self-motivated enough to set aside time daily to work on the course.
- A student’s academic progress and grades can be viewed in Canvas. Have your students log in and share this information with you.
- Communication with instructor is important. Encourage your student to communicate with instructors if he/she has questions or concerns.
- Know what resources are available for student support. The Tutoring & Testing Center, located in the Learning Commons, provides a friendly place where a student can receive academic assistance for classes. Free peer tutoring is available to any GOCC student with an academic need. To determine if a tutor is available contact Tutoring at (269)294-4295. Academic support is also available at your local high school during Academic Hour. Check with your school for times and dates.
- Students need to communicate with EMC Staff twice a month. Check with your high school guidance office for EMC On-site high school visits. Notification and reminders of visits are sent out to students through text alerts and emails prior to these visits.
- Students should maintain contact, as well, with their HS counselor for questions and concerns. They are active partners in the program and work closely with EMC Staff.
- Always feel free to contact EMC Staff with questions and concerns.