Glen Oaks Community College

Tips for Parents & Students

  1. Each student should know his/her log-in information for myGOCC and Glen Oaks Community College email. Have your student show you that he/she can log in to the appropriate sites. Students should check their Glen Oaks email daily for important information from their instructors, and EMC staff.
  2. Verify the days and times that classes meet. Is it a semester-long class? Is it an on-line class? Some classes overlap with high school course. Student will need to contact his/her Glen Oaks Instructor and High School teacher to make arrangements for missed classes and/or assignments.
  3. Students are committed to show up, attend all classes they are enrolled in, do the work and participate actively.
  4. Students need to review the course syllabus and understand the requirements, due dates, deadlines, and expectations for the course.
  5. Textbooks and supplied may be paid by your local school. Check with your guidance office before purchasing or renting text books.
  6. Students enrolled in an on-line course need to be self-motivated enough to set aside time daily to work on the course.
  7. A student’s academic progress and grades can be viewed in Canvas. Have your students log in and share this information with you.
  8. Communication with instructor is important. Encourage your student to communicate with instructors if he/she has questions or concerns.
  9. Know what resources are available for student support. The Tutoring & Testing Center, located in the Learning Commons, provides a friendly place where a student can receive academic assistance for classes. Free peer tutoring is available to any GOCC student with an academic need. To determine if a tutor is available contact Tutoring at (269)294-4295. Academic support is also available at your local high school during Academic Hour. Check with your school for times and dates.
  10. Students need to communicate with EMC Staff twice a month. Check with your high school guidance office for EMC On-site high school visits. Notification and reminders of visits are sent out to students through text alerts and emails prior to these visits.
  11. Students should maintain contact, as well, with their HS counselor for questions and concerns. They are active partners in the program and work closely with EMC Staff.
  12. Always feel free to contact EMC Staff with questions and concerns.