Glen Oaks Community College operates under a shared governance model. Committees are the operating system of our institution. Our committees involve members from all areas within the institution and support the development and implementation of new ideas, improvements to support student success and provide an avenue for problem-solving. Our committees help organize some of the most important work on our campus.

Standing College Committees
The Accessibility Committee is tasked with ensuring that the college complies with federal and state accessibility requirements. This includes physical and electronic accessibility.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the President’s Council.
Membership: Director of Buildings and Grounds & Public Safety Director (L. Diekman), Faculty (K. Conner), GOSSE Rep (K. Southworth), IT Rep (C. Monsiaves), SSSD Coordinator (A. Gerth, Chair), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier), Vice President of Students (T. Howden), Web Administrator (E. Connelly), Learning Commons Rep (T. Nelson)
The Accreditation Core Team assists with planning and preparing for reaffirmation visits.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the College’s Accreditation Liaison Officer who makes recommendations to the President.
Membership: ALO (A. Cloutier), Chief Financial Officer/Controller (J. Dodson), Curriculum Committee Chair (M. Sandelin), Director of HR (J. Bennett-Yesh), Exec. Dir. Of Academic Records/Registrar (A. Young), Exec. Director of Communications & Marketing (D. DeVries), Exec. Director of Planning, Assessment, and Research (T. Russell), Faculty (K. Conner, L. Hatfield), GOSSEE Rep (A. Fries), High Quality Teaching and Learning Chair (R. Hartung), Program and Assessment Review Committee Chair (R. Burch), Vice President of Students (T. Howden)
The Academic Calendar is established two years prior to the beginning of the academic year scheduled. Two academic years are established at the same time. The Calendar Committee establishes the academic calendar for the college, taking into consideration all factors especially serving the students and community to the greatest extent possible.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the President’s Council.
Membership: Dean of Health Sciences (S. Birch), Exec. Dir. Of Academic Records/Registrar (A. Young, Chair), Exec. Director of Communications & Marketing (D. DeVries), Financial Aid Director (J. Zimmerman), GOSSE Representative (J. Fetch), HR Representative (C. Bohacz), President (B. Newton), President’s Exec. Associate (D. Zinsmaster), Two Faculty Members (L. Keith, S. Ryno), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier), Vice President of Students (T. Howden)
College Council
The College Council is a representative body of the College whose purpose is to develop, align, and integrate planning processes to facilitate positive change and model continuous quality improvement with the following:
- Help develop and provide oversight for the Strategic Plan
- Identify, prioritize and coordinate specific strategies for implementation
- Provide direction for the creation of Core Strategy Committees
- Assess, coordinate, monitor, prioritize and adopt Core Strategy Committees
- Monitor institutional effectiveness, accreditation, and quality improvement initiatives
- Serve as a communication/recommendation body for the college and constituencies
- Provide a forum for ideas and discussion without retribution
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the President’s Council.
Membership: Three Mid-Level Administrator Representatives (D. Easterday, A. Gerth, C. Dao), Three Full-Time Faculty Representatives (M. McNamara, C. Weatherford, P. Carrel), Three GOSSE Representatives (K. Bachinski, C. Green, D. Scott), One Student Representative (A. Long), Four Members from President’s Council (A. Cloutier, B. Newton, T. Howden, T. Russell), One Secretary (J. Dodson), One Facilitator (C. Worthington)
The Curriculum Committee reviews the rigor of courses and programs to ensure academic quality. The committee also reviews curriculum related policies and procedures and makes recommendations on the adoption or modification of curriculum practices. To the extent possible, the committee assists with the implementation of curriculum policies and procedures.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the Vice President of Academics.
Membership: Administrative Assistant to the VP Academics (D. Wood), Advising Rep (B. Fries), Dean of Advanced Technologies and Public Services (L. Ajayi), Dean of Health Sciences (S. Birch), Director of Allied Health (C. Steele), Faculty (M. Blair, L. Cripe, S. Main, M. Sandelin (Chair), C. Schmitt), Exec. Director of Planning, Assessment, and Research (T. Russell, non-voting member), Exec. Dir. Of Academic Records/Registrar (A. Young), GOSSE Rep (K. Bachinski), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier, non-voting member)
Guided Pathways
The Guided Pathways Committee is a cross-sectional team developed to support the implementation of the Guided Pathways initiative at Glen Oaks.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the President’s Council.
Membership: Admissions Rep (S. Henry), Advising Rep (A. Springsteen), Dual Enrollment Rep (C. Pahls, A. Schlabach), Exec. Dir. Of Academic Records/Registrar (A. Young), Exec. Director of Planning, Assessment, and Research (T. Russell, non-voting member), Faculty (R.Burch, J. Hucko, S. Main, C. Schmitt), GOSSE Rep (T. Miller, Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier, Co-Chair), Student Representative (J. Hollingsworth), Vice President of Students (T. Howden, Co-Chair)
Higher Quality Teaching & Learning (HQTL) and New Faculty Orientation
The High-Quality Teaching and Learning Committee (HQTL) develops and implements ideas to help improve teaching and learning. The committee also takes on the work of carrying out projects or activities that the members propose, or as assigned by the Vice President of Academics.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the Vice President of Academics.
Membership: Administrative Assistant to the VP Academics (D. Wood), Faculty (R. Burch, L. Cripe, R. Hartung (Chair), M. Northrop, S. Proefrock, C. Schmitt), IT Rep (E. Dembsky), GOSSE Rep (J. Fetch), Chair (R. Hartung), Learning Commons Rep (T. Nelson), Student Services Rep (L. Steward), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier)
New Faculty Orientation
The New Faculty Orientation is a year-long experience for new faculty to introduce them to Glen Oaks, teaching and learning, and the community.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI)
Members of the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee advise GOCC on incorporating principles of JEDI into its practices, policies, programs, and goals to create and sustain an inclusive and diverse campus community and to evaluate the effectiveness of the college’s practice toward that end.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the College Council.
Membership: J. Bennett-Yesh (Co-Chair), T. Nelson (Co-Chair), S. Boylan, J. Breckenridge, H. Fries, A. Gerth, M. Northrop, T. Russell, M. Sanderson, C. Weatherford, L. Weiderman
Online Learning Advisory Team
The Online Learning Advisory Team (OLAT) assists with academic quality in distance learning teaching and learning. The committee monitors student success data, reviews online and hybrid courses for quality standards, and provides professional development on innovative classroom tools and technologies.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the Vice President of Academics.
Membership: Assistant to the VP Academics/Faculty (C. Green), Faculty (S. Boylan, K. Goodman, R. Hartung, L. Keith, M. Northrop, C. Schmitt (chair), GOSSE Rep (T. Miller), Learning Commons Rep (R. Smith), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier), IT Rep (E. Connelly)
President’s Cabinet
The Cabinet takes primary operational responsibility for major functional areas of the College.
Reporting: Cabinet makes recommendations to the President.
Membership: Chief Financial Officer and Controller (J. Dodson), President (B. Newton), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier), Vice President of Student Services (T. Howden)
President’s Council
The President’s Council provides leadership in advancing the College’s goals, strategic plan, and mission. This Council communicates across departments and with the College as a whole to achieve College priorities. The President’s Council also serves as an advisory group for Council members and the President. Membership includes the President and the President’s direct reports.
Reporting: This Council makes recommendations to the President.
Membership: Chief Financial Officer and Controller (J. Dodson), Director of Buildings and Grounds & Public Safety Director (L. Diekman), Director of Business Outreach & Services (K. Stevens), Director of Human Resources (J. Bennett-Yesh), Director of Information Technology (E. Dembskey), Director of Institutional Innovation (vacant), Executive Associate to the President (D. Zinsmaster), Executive Director of Communications & Marketing (D. DeVries), Executive Director to the Foundation (V. Marrow), Executive Director of Institutional Planning, Assessment, & Research (T. Russell), President (B. Newton), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier), Vice President of Student Services (T. Howden)
Professional Development
In accordance with the Faculty Senate Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Professional Development Committee reviews full-time faculty requests for professional development funding and either approves activity requests or furnishes a reason for its denial.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the President through the Vice President of Academics.
Membership: Five Faculty (K. Goodman, L. Hatfield, J. Hucko, R. Leaverton (Chair), M. McNamara, S. Ryno, B. Zuydwegt), Academic Dean (S. Birch), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier)
Program and Assessment Review
The Program and Assessment Review Committee (PARC) maintains program review and the ongoing assessment of student learning processes to ensure the College meets educational outcomes of its students. The committee provides guidance, support, and oversight to academic departments in reviewing their programs, assessing student learning, and making changes to improve student learning.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the Vice President of Academics.
Membership: Advising Rep (B. Fries), Assistant to the VP Academics/Faculty (C. Green, non-voting member), Dean of Advanced Technologies and Public Services (L. Ajayi), Dean of Health Sciences (S. Birch), Director of Allied Health (C. Steele), Exec. Dir. Of Academic Records/Registrar (A. Young), Exec. Director of Planning, Assessment, and Research (T. Russell), Faculty (M. Blair, R. Burch (CHAIR), P. Carrel, K. Conner, M. Northrop), Student Services Rep (L. Barnell), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier, non-voting member)
Strategic Enrollment Management
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the President’s Council.
Membership: Advising Rep (B. Fries), Chief Financial Officer (J. Dodson), Director of Admissions (S. Henry), Director of Human Resources (J. Bennett-Yesh), Director of Institutional Innovation (R. Kuhlman), Financial Aid Director (J. Zimmerman), Exec. Director of Planning, Assessment, and Research (T. Russell, Co-Chair), Exec. Director of Communications & Marketing (D. DeVries), Faculty (C. Worthington), GOSSE Rep (K. Southworth), President (B. Newton), Registrar (A. Young), Vice President of Academics (A. Cloutier), Vice President of Students (T. Howden, Co-Chair)
Viking Speaker Series
The Viking Speaker Series features renowned experts from various fields. This event is open to our stakeholders and the community, aligning with our strategic plan to
strengthen community ties and promote collaboration while valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Reporting: This committee makes recommendations to the College Council.
Membership: B. Fries (Co-Chair), L. Weiderman (Co-Chair), K. Southworth, D. Easterday, R. Templin, V. Marrow, E. Dembskey, J. Fetch, M. McNamara, H. Fries
If you would like to learn more about these groups, see copies of the meeting minutes or make suggestions and recommendations for the groups to consider, please complete the Request Committee Information form.