Computer access available in the Library and other academic areas on campus. Residents are able to access computers with their student ID card.
Wireless Internet
A wireless network is provided for use and is shared among all residents within Student Housing. Please be considerate of other residents trying to use the network. Large downloads or other bandwidth intensive items will affect the performance and connectivity of others using the service. Although best effort has been made to make the wireless network compatible with all electronic devices, we cannot guarantee compatibility. The College does not support student-owned devices. Non-GOCC wireless networks are not allowed within Housing as these will conflict with the performance and/or availability for others depending on the wireless service. It is recommended that firewalls, anti-virus, and anti-spyware products be utilized on personal computers. The College does enforce an Internet Use Policy. Disciplinary action is taken for reported violations.
Site Furnishings
- Bed linens, blankets and pillows
- Toaster & other small kitchen appliances (UL approved)
- Dishes, drinkware, flatware, utensils, pots & pans
- Television, laptop, or devices for streaming
- Area rugs
- Food items
- Personal items: towels, toiletries, and cleaning supplies, etc.
GOCC reserves the right to modify items allowed or not allowed to be kept in a bedroom, suite or housing building.
Heat & Air Conditioning
Mailbox & E-mail Communication
Mail Service
John Doe Student Housing Glen Oaks Community College 62237 Shimmel Rd. Centreville, MI 49032
When moving out of Student Housing the resident must change their address with both the College and the United States Postal Service. Failure to do so will result in disrupted mail service or returned mail. All mail received for non-residents will be returned to sender.