All residents must respect and comply with lifestyle expectations and all college policies and procedures. Each resident is responsible for reading and adhering to the procedures and regulations outlined in this handbook, the Glen Oaks Community College Housing Agreement, and the Glen Oaks Community College Student Code of Conduct. Residents are also held accountable to local, community, state, and federal authorities. Violations of the Student Housing policies may result in disciplinary actions (such as probation or suspension from the College) by the Judicial Board. If a suite is suspected of illegal or banned activities, the Director of Student Housing or any other College administrator or Campus Security member may key into a room in order to assess the situation for the health and safety of residents and in the best interest of Glen Oaks Community College. Students should be advised that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to Glen Oaks Community College’s right to enter a room where the safety of residents is potentially at risk.
The following Student Housing Policies have been created for the safety and well-being of the members of the Student Housing community:
1. Alcohol
In the event that a resident is suspected of consuming or possessing alcohol in campus housing, the Director of Student Housing will be contacted both for the safety of the student as well as investigation and prosecution as appropriate.
- 1.1 Possession/Use of Alcohol
- Residents or guests may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages in any room or area, including their own bedroom. This includes residents who are of legal age to consume alcohol.
- 1.2 Alcohol Containers
- Empty alcohol containers are prohibited within the residence hall and may not be used for decorative purposes.
- 1.3 Intoxication
- Any student suspected of being intoxicated: exhibiting impaired motor skills, aggressive behavior, slurring speech, smelling of alcohol, etc. may be reported to the local authorities if it is deemed that they may be a danger to themselves or others by residence life staff or security or in the event such reporting to local authorities is deemed reasonable and advisable.
- 1.4 Amnesty
- Alcohol poisoning and drug overdose are serious medical concerns. We encourage residents to seek assistance from housing staff in any situation that involves a drug or alcohol related emergency without fear or repercussion.
Any students who seek assistance for alcohol or drug related emergencies will not be held responsible for the violation of any GOCC or Student Housing policy violations.
2. Community Spaces
- 2.1 Sleeping
- Living area lounges are not to be used for sleeping.
- 2.2 College furniture
- Common area furniture is not to be moved to another common area or taken to student rooms or suites. This deprives other residents of the furniture and is considered theft of property. If common area furniture is found in rooms or suites, costs to relocate the furniture may be assessed to the residents of the space where the furniture is discovered. In addition, if the condition of any public area is altered or abused, the person(s) responsible will be charged and disciplinary action will be taken.
- 2.3 Appropriate language/behaviors
- Residents are expected to use appropriate language and behavior at all times in public areas. Any behaviors deemed inappropriate by College officials will be addressed, and the individual may be asked to stop the behavior or to leave the area. Failure to comply with a request by a College staff member will result in disciplinary action.
- 2.4 Sports
- Due to the high risk of property damage and personal injury, sports, water fights, wrestling, and other high-risk activities are prohibited in indoor residential areas.
- 2.5 Electronic Devices/Audio
- While in any shared area of the building (e.g. lobby, halls, common areas) residents are not allowed to have electronic devices playing music or audio that contains offensive or profane language. In addition, the noise level of the student’s electronic device may not, at any time, be at a level that can be heard from a distance beyond that area which they are currently occupying. Electronics referred to in this section include but are not limited to: Cell phones, I-pods, MP3 players, DVD players, tablets, game consoles and CD players.
3. Decorations
Residents are permitted to decorate bedrooms and suites within the following guidelines:
- 3.1 Wall Damage
- No nails or tape of any kind should be used on the walls, doors, mirrors, or other surfaces; to hang items on the walls it is highly recommended that you use thumb tact’s ONLY. No command strips. LED strip lighting is strictly prohibited.
- 3.2 Hanging Decorations
- Decorations may not be hung from, or attached to, the ceiling, fire alarms, or smoke detectors; decorations may not cover more than 10 percent of any wall or door due to it being a fire safety concern. No decorations may block any doorway.
- 3.3 Graffiti
- No writing, drawings or other markings may be done to walls, doors, windows, mirrors, or any property owned by the College. Housing staff has the right to remove any and all inappropriate decorations and charge for damages caused.
- 3.4 Windows
- No signs or materials may be displayed in windows.
4. Drugs
Glen Oaks Community College is a drug-free zone. Illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia are not permitted on the campus. This is a zero tolerance offense. Students can be removed and banned from Student Housing for violation of this policy and will be sanctioned under the Student Code of Conduct. Students or residents suspected of drug use may be referred to the Director of Student Housing and/or the police department for investigation and prosecution if appropriate (This includes any suspicious odors from Student Housing suites, bedrooms and/or common areas).
- 4.1 Use/Possession
- The use, possession of and/or possession with intent to deliver, transport, sell, distribute, exchange, or manufacture illegal drugs in any building or on any property owned or controlled by the College is prohibited and strictly enforced.
- 4.2 Paraphernalia
- Possession of drug paraphernalia is also prohibited (e.g., smokeless cigarettes, marijuana bong, pipe and/or hookah pipe, etc.).
- 4.3 Under the Influence
- Any student suspected of being under the influence of illegal drugs – exhibiting impaired motor skills, aggressive behavior, slurring speech, smelling of marijuana, etc. – may be reported to the local authorities.
5. Electrical Equipment
6. Failure to Comply with a College Official
- 6.1 Filling a False Report with a College Official
- Glen Oaks Community College Officials expect that all reports and complaints submitted to them are true and without omission. If a student is found to have submitted a report that is false, or files a police report with conflicting information, that student may be called to appear before the Judicial Board for further investigation and possible sanctions.
7. Fire Safety
- 7.1 Flammables
- At no time may any flammable/incendiary/combustible items be stored or used in or around living areas. Hot plates, fryers, and lava lamps are also prohibited.
- 7.2 Open Flames
- Open flames are not allowed and may include, but are not limited to: burned/burning candles, incense, and potpourri pots. Candles, whether burned or unburned are not allowed. All residents residing in a suite where burned candles/incense are present in a common area will be documented for this policy violation regardless of ownership.
- 7.3 Combustibles
- Gun powder, laboratory chemicals, acid, gasoline, oil, kerosene, propane, charcoal, turpentine and other combustibles fireworks, oil-burning lamps, or other items which may easily catch fire or accelerate a fire are prohibited.
- 7.4 Bicycles, Mopeds, and Motorcycles
- Do not ride bicycles or mopeds on sidewalks. Bicycles and mopeds are to be stored in the racks outside the building. Do not put them in stairwells or chain them to stair rails, fences, or posts as this is a hazard. Glen Oaks Community College Facilities staff will remove and impound any bicycle or moped whose owner violates these rules. No motorcycles, mopeds, or gasoline-operated machines of any type are allowed inside buildings; if found, these will be removed at the owner’s expense. Any damage caused by or expenses incurred because of use, storage or placement of the bike, moped or motorcycle will be the responsibility of the owner.
- 7.5 Live Plants
- Live wreaths, pine or evergreen trees, and branches are prohibited due to fire hazard. Potted plants are allowed as long as they are well cared for.
- 7.6 Hoverboards
- Hoverboards are not allowed in the Student Housing facility or in the College’s buildings.
- 7.7 Fire Safety Equipment
- Firefighting equipment is located throughout the residence hall. Pulling false fire alarms, causing a fire, tampering with a smoke detector or any fire-fighting equipment, are violations of the housing agreement, the Glen Oaks Community College Student Code of Conduct, and state law. The individual(s) involved may be prosecuted and fined.
- 7.8 Smoking
- Glen Oaks Community College is a tobacco-free campus. As such, no tobacco products may be used on campus. Students wishing to smoke may do so inside their personal vehicle or off campus. This includes smokeless tobacco, hookah, and e-cigarettes. Spittoons, hookah pipes, and tobacco tins are not allowed in housing and may be confiscated.
- 7.9 Blocking Passageways
- No personal belongings may be kept in the hallways of the residence hall as they pose a fire safety hazard and can impede evacuation in the case of fire or other emergencies.
- 7.10 Emergency Protocol
- Fire drills are scheduled as required by state regulations and are conducted periodically throughout the calendar year. Whenever an alarm sounds in Student Housing, persons within the building are required to evacuate the building immediately. Residents will be directed to the parking lot west of the Student Housing building.
Students that fail to comply with this will be documented by staff and can be issued state and/or local fines or tickets from police. Re-entry into a building before an “all-clear” signal is given by staff is prohibited. State law prohibits the use of elevators during a fire alarm.
If a fire is seen or suspected, please pull a fire alarm as you evacuate the building. The fire alarm will automatically notify the appropriate authorities.
- 7.11 Tornadoes
- Tornadoes: In the event of a tornado warning all employees, students, and visitors in any College facility will be instructed to go the designated safe shelter area.
- Do not use telephones.
- Do not stand near glass-enclosed spaces.
- Proceed to the designated safe shelter area for your facility. This information is found in every suite.
- Do not use open flame (candles, lighters, etc.). Remain calm and wait for an “all-clear” announcement.
- 7.12 Inclement Weather
- In the event of inclement weather, please follow the instructions of the appropriate housing or college official.
- 7.13 Loss of Utilities
- If inclement weather results in the loss of utilities, please follow instructions of the appropriate housing or college official.
8. Gambling
Gambling is the wagering of money or other valuables on the outcome of events. This includes, but is not limited to, card and dice games, sport pools, lotteries, raffles, and Internet gambling. This includes gambling devices and machines all of which are prohibited in or surrounding Student Housing facilities or activities.
9. Guests
- 9.1 Sign-In
- Residents must sign guests in and out at the front desk.
- 9.2 Escorting Guests
- Guests must be escorted by their host at all times. Guests are held to the same standard as each resident and the person hosting the guest is responsible for ensuring they do not violate policies or disrupt the community. If policies are violated, the guests’ host will also be held responsible.
- 9.3 Number of Guests
- No suite should have more than two guests at any given time, whether a current resident of Student Housing or a non-resident guest, present in their suite at any given time. Violation may result in removal of guest privileges.
- 9.4 Overnight Guests
- Guests of either gender are permitted to stay overnight only with the consent of all the suitemate(s). During their Suitemate Agreement meeting, suitemates discuss guests and visitation within their suite. This includes: hours for opposite gender guest visitation, times or days of the week in which no guests are permitted, how they will manage guest issues and/or behavior. Guests may not stay overnight more than two consecutive nights.
- 9.5 Total Number of Overnight Stays
- A guest cannot stay overnight more than ten total times a semester in any room.
- 9.6 Responsibility
- The resident host is responsible for all the actions of their guests while they are present in the residence hall. The host may be subject to disciplinary action when guests (while present in the residence hall) violate residence life policies, Glen Oaks Community College policies or local laws.
- 9.7 Guest Non-Compliance/Concerns
- At any time a Student Housing staff member can contact the police or request a guest leave if the guest’s behavior is a concern to the safety and well-being of their host, the community or themselves.
- 9.8 Minor Guests
- All guests under the age of 17 must have completed the Permission Form for Minors in Student Housing including written permission from a parent or legal guardian. A parent, guardian or resident host must supervise all guests under the age of 17 at all times.
10. Health & Standards
11. Illegal Activities
Students involved in illegal activities (local and federal laws) on campus will result in College and/or civil and/or criminal action. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all Glen Oaks Community College, federal, state and local laws. Staff members are expected to take action against a violation of a College regulation or the law. Students found to be breaking the law within the residence hall may be required to vacate their housing assignment pending an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the incident. If the student in question is indeed found to be in violation of the law, he or she may be permanently removed from housing through the judicial process.
12. Mutual Respect
Student Housing residents are expected to be respectful of the individual rights and freedoms of others within the living area. Even if a shared sense of understanding does not exist between community members, residents are still expected to exhibit an outward sensitivity to the diversity inherent within the residential community.
- 12.1 Unruly Behavior
Any behaviors that are inappropriate, disruptive or destructive to the community or its members will not be tolerated. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Yelling or causing a disturbance
- Using inappropriate language towards another community member, a staff member, or guest
- Destruction of property
- Online bullying or harassment, etc.
- 12.2 Physical Violence
- Any violence towards another individual of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action including removal from campus housing.
- 12.3 Pranks
- Activities which may present a danger to the health, physical, psychological, or emotional well-being of another student or their property, whether intentional or unintentional, will not be tolerated and will be treated as a violation of policy.
- 12.4 Hazing
- Initiation practices which may present a danger to the health, physical, psychological, or emotional well-being of another student or their property, whether done voluntarily or against the wishes of the other student, will not be tolerated.
- 12.5 Harassment, General
Glen Oaks Community College prohibits discrimination based on a person’s race, color, gender, gender identity, national origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation and will not tolerate any form of harassing or bullying behaviors. Harassing or bullying behaviors may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Repeated unwanted contact via email, phone, text message, social networking sites or in person
- Persistent following/stalking behaviors
- Repeated use of derogatory comments
- Threats or perceived threats of physical or emotional violence
- 12.6 Harassment, Electronic
- Glen Oaks Community College recognizes the prevalence and popularity of online communities. Utilizing cyber media responsibly is an expectation of Glen Oaks Community College Student Housing residents. The use of any electronic media as a means for harassment is strictly prohibited. Harassing behavior includes sending text, picture, audio, video or executable electronic code (viruses) over electronic forums, message boards, social media sites and services, instant messaging or chat services, email, or other internet or intranet service, and websites. This includes repeated unwanted contact or any stalking or bullying behaviors on any of the aforementioned media.
- 12.7 Harassment, Racial and Ethnic Harassment or Discrimination
- GOCC Student Housing is committed to programs and activities that are free of racial or ethnic discrimination. Racial and ethnic harassment is a form of illegal discrimination and is contrary to the nature and mission of our institution. Any violation outlined in Section 12 which is committed against a student, guest, or employee of Glen Oaks Community College, which is based upon gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic background, economic status or religious affiliation may result in removal from Student Housing.
- 12.8 Assault and Battery
- Assault and battery is intentionally or recklessly touching another person in a hostile, insulting, or angry manner, resulting in bodily harm; these behaviors are prohibited. The intentional engagement in conduct that causes another to be reasonably apprehensive of immediate bodily harm is also prohibited. An assault and battery is a zero tolerance offense. Students can be removed from Student Housing for violation of this policy.
- 12.9 Sexual Assault
- Sexual assault is any non-consensual sexual act. A sexual act is non-consensual if it is inflicted upon someone who cannot grant consent (due to cognitive disability, age, incapacitation because of drug/alcohol use including intoxication, etc.) or compelled through the use of coercion, intimidation, threats, or physical force. When notified of a sexual assault – or an attempt of sexual assault – the College will attempt to honor the wishes of the victim regarding notification of police and will make available College/community resources. However, there may be circumstances in which the College will deem it necessary to report the incident to the police. If you feel you have been sexually assaulted please speak to a Student Housing staff member, a security officer, or another trusted College employee. It is Glen Oaks Community College’s desire to help you as you move through this difficult time and we can help to connect you with resources such as counseling should you need it.
If you feel you are a victim of harassment, sexual assault, violence, or any other policy violation listed above, please notify the Director of Student Housing. For more information on sexual violence and your reporting options, visit the Public Safety area on the College’s webpage and click on the Title IX option.
13. Noise
- 13.1 Courtesy Hours
- Glen Oaks Community College has a 24-Hour Courtesy policy, which means that the right to study and sleep supersedes the privilege to entertain oneself or others. A “24-Hour Courtesy” policy upholds the College’s commitment to providing an environment where students may experience academic success. Noise, which is audible beyond the confines of one’s room/apartment, is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. Students are free to have radios, stereos, televisions, etc. in their rooms, but the amplification should be controlled so that neighbors both inside and outside of the building are not disturbed. Speakers must not face or be placed in windows. The use of headphones or earbuds are encouraged. Failure to keep the noise level of sound equipment reasonable may result in removal of the equipment from the student’s room and/or other appropriate sanctions.
- 13.2 Quiet Hours
- Student Housing also has “Quiet Hours” from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday-Thursday, 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. Friday-Saturday. During this time no noise should be heard outside of an individual suite. Students in public areas should refrain from making any unnecessary noise or being disruptive.
- 13.3 Finals Week
- Quiet hours also apply the week of finals, 24 hours a day.
14. Pets
There is only one fish tank per apartment unit allowed.
All other pets are strictly prohibited. Feeding and temporarily keeping of animals in or around living areas is also prohibited. Residents who do so will be subject to a fine, cleaning and fumigation fees, as well as disciplinary action.
A pet addendum must be completed for a service animal or emotional support animal prior to the animal being brought into Glen Oaks Community College Housing. Please visit the Support Services for Students with Disabilities Office in Student Services for more information.
15. Postings
Any postings, flyers or advertisements from a non-registered Glen Oaks Community College student organization, Glen Oaks Community College student (including Student Housing residents), or any outside entity will need stamped/written approval from the Director of Student Housing. The Director reserves the right to deny approval for postings deemed inappropriate for the residence hall and may take down any non-approved postings.
Glen Oaks Community College considers the entire exterior suite door, wall surrounding the exterior door, and hallway walls to be under the governance of Student Housing. Any postings deemed inappropriate may be removed by staff.
Only authorized Housing personnel are permitted to post or distribute materials. At no time may postings be slid under Student Housing room doors, except for those authorized by Student Housing.
16. Recreational Equipment, Horseplay or Sports
Bicycles, skateboards and inline skates may not be used inside Student Housing or campus buildings. In addition, students may not play basketball, football, hockey, Frisbee, participate in wrestling, boxing or any other type of physical activity inside the facility as these activities may injure others or damage property. Under no circumstance is school property to be used in horseplay in the halls (wet-floor signs, carts, chairs, trash cans, etc.)
17. Residence Hall Entry
Non-residents may not enter the building without a resident host. Residents must sign all guests in and out at the front desk.
18. Self-Leadership
All residents are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes and supports the well-being of the community as well as the well-being of other members of the community. Therefore, the College reserves the right to confront behavior that is detrimental to the student or infringes upon the rights and sensitivities of others. In addition, any activities that take place in the suite belonging to the resident, whether the resident is present or not, are the responsibility of that resident.
19. Solicitation & Media in the Buildings
Resident students may be contacted by media sources that have not been scheduled through Student Housing or Glen Oaks Community College. If unscheduled media will be in the Student Housing building or resident(s) are planning to be interviewed, they are required to obtain permission from the Director of Student Housing and the Executive Director of Communications and Marketing.
20. Lock-Out
Any resident that request entry into their suite/room will be required to provide Housing staff a legal form of photo identification. At no time will the Housing staff grant entry into another resident’s suite or room. Students will receive two courtesy entries per semester. After that, a $5 charge will be added to their student account each time a lock out occurs.
21. Trash & Littering
Charges may result for improper trash disposal including trash left outside suites, in hallways, beside dumpsters, around public trash cans, etc.
22. Trespassing
Entry into any completely or partially closed Student Housing area (including any area that is locked) is prohibited. Residents will be issued a student ID card which will provide student access to appropriate doors. Any guests who have been banned from Student Housing and attempt to reenter are trespassing.
23. Weapons & Hazardous Substances
- gasoline
- biological hazards (human excrement/vomit)
- pepper spray or Mace
- handguns
- rifles
- shotguns
- BB guns
- pellet guns
- air/CO2 guns
- paint guns
- soft air guns
- blow guns
- sling shots
- longbows
- compound bows
- crossbows
- arrows
- all knives (with the exception of culinary knives used solely in kitchen areas or for cooking purposes)
- martial arts weapons (e.g., nun chucks, swords and throwing stars)
- gasoline
- biological hazards (human excrement/vomit)
- pepper spray or Mace
- handguns
- rifles
- shotguns
- BB guns
- pellet guns
- air/CO2 guns
- paint guns
- soft air guns
- blow guns
- sling shots
- longbows
- compound bows
- crossbows
- arrows
- all knives (with the exception of culinary knives used solely in kitchen areas or for cooking purposes)
- martial arts weapons (e.g., nun chucks, swords and throwing stars)
These policies and guidelines are governed by and subject to applicable Michigan and federal law. Any inconsistency or conflict between these policies and such law shall be controlled and resolved by reference to those laws.
24. Windows & Window Screens
For safety purposes, windows and screens must not be removed. To protect residents and maintain the environment, do not throw or drop anything out of a Student Housing window. No one is permitted to exit, enter, or pass items in or out of the building via a window. Out of respect for other residents, speakers and sound systems may not be placed on window sills or aimed out windows.
25. Suite/Room Condition Expectations
- 25.1 Suite / Room upon Check–Out
- Suites are to be cleaned and in their original state upon move out. All furniture must be in original location within suite/room and assembled in the same manner as it was prior to the students move-in.
- 25.2 Failure to Vacate
- Residents are responsible for personal property at all times. When residents have not vacated as scheduled (internal transfers, removals, as well as the end of an agreement period) or have not removed personal property, Housing staff will make a reasonable attempt to contact the residents via phone, email, and physical mail. Residents who have not vacated as scheduled or at the end of an agreement period will be charged $150 a day for each day they remain in the space. If after 48 hours, the resident has not vacated, personal property will be removed and stored at the resident’s expense.Residents will be billed $20 an hour per employee involved in removal of personal property and a storage fee of $350. Personal property removed by Glen Oaks Community College Housing staff will be stored for 7 days. After 7 days, the items will be considered abandoned and donated to charity or discarded. Glen Oaks Community College and Glen Oaks Community College Student Housing is not liable for damage to or loss of property that might occur during removal or disposal. Residents will be billed for all costs incurred in removing personal property and restoration of the unit to usable space.