Glen Oaks Community College

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Prospective eSports Athletes:

If you are interested in joining our eSports program, please submit the Interest/Application Form located below.


Below are the schedules for the Fall eSports season. The schedule is pretty much set, but there are instances when the match times may change. If this occurs, we will make updates as soon as possible.

Call of Duty: Viking Warzone Open Series FL24

This team will compete Fridays at 7:30 p.m. (EDT) Regular Season is 9/29/24 – 12/08/24
All Matches will be streamed live on our Twitch channel.

Team Name: Viking Warzone OS FL24
Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
10/4 6:30pmNorth Arkansas CollegeNAC CoD Warzone OSW 2-0
10/11 6:30pmNorth Arkansas College NAC  CoD Warzone OS Team 2W2-1
10/18 6:30pmByeByeW2-0
10/25 6:30pmNo MatchNo Match 
11/1 6:30pmNortheastern JCWZ OS2W2-0
11/8 6:30pmMurray State CollegeCOD WZW2-0
11/15 6:30pmTBA  
11/22 6:30pmTBA  
11/29 6:30pmTBA  

Team Name: Viking CoD 4v4 OS FL24

This team will compete on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. (EDT) Regular Season is 9/29/24 – 12/08/24
All Matches will be streamed live on our Twitch channel.

Team Name: Viking CoD 4v4 OS FL23
Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
10/01 7:30pmNWACCModern Warfare-OSW 3-0
 10/08 7:30pmMissouri State University[MSUWP] COD 4v4 OS AlumniW 3-0
 10/15 8:30pmNortheast Alabama CCCoD: 4v4 OSW 3-0
 10/22 8:30pmState FairCOD 4v4 OSW 3-0
 10/28 8:30pmNWACCCOD: Modern Warfare – OSW 3-0
11/5 8:30pmCentral CCCoD: 4v4 OSW 3-0
11/12 8:30pmTBATBA 
11/19 8:30pmTBATBA 
11/25 8:30pmTBATBA 

Call of Duty: Gunfight 2v2 Open Series FL24 Team 1

This team will compete on Thursdays at 6:30.
They will be matched up with another team at match time.

Players: Asrii and PraiseTheMoon
Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
10/3 6:30pmNorth Arkansas CollegeCOD GF OS Fall 2024W 3-0
10/10 6:30pmWestern Tech College[WTC] COD GF OS 2L 2-3
10/17 6:30pmNorth Arkansas CollegeDOD GF OS Fall 2024W 3-0
10/24 6:30pmHighland CCCOD MWIII Gunfight 1W 3-0
10/31 6:30pmSW Wisconsin TCCOD GF OSW 3-0
11/7 6:30pmSW Wisconsin TCCOD GF OSW 3-0
11/14 6:30pmTBA  
11/21 6:30pmTBA  
11/28 6:30pmTBA  

Call of Duty: Gunfight 2v2 Open Series FL24 Team 2

This team will compete on Thursdays at 6:30.
They will be matched up with another team at match time.

Players: angeles_420 and leathelgamer
Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
10/3 6:30pmIowa Central CCCoD: Gunfight – BetaL 0-3
10/10 6:30pmNorth ArkansasCOD GF OS Fall 2024W 3-FF
10/17 6:30pmNortheastern JCCoD: Gunfight OS 2W 3-0
10/24 6:30pmNortheaster JCCoD: Gunfight OSL 0-3
10/31 6:30pmConnors StateCOD GunfightL 0-3
11/7 6:30pmIowa Central CCTritonsL 0-3
11/14 6:30pmTBA  
11/21 6:30pmTBA  
11/28 6:30pmTBA  

Call of Duty: Gunfight 2v2 Open Series FL24 Team 3

This team will compete on Thursdays at 6:30.
They will be matched up with another team at match time.

Players: Jayy and MagicalGuns
Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
10/3 6:30pmHighland CCCOD MWIII Gunfight 1W 3-0
10/10 6:30pmIowa Central CCCoD: Gunfight – BetaW 2-2
10/17 6:30pmWestern Technical CollegeCOD GF OS 2W 3-0
10/24 6:30pmIowa Central CCTritonsW 3-1
10/31 6:30pmConnors StateCOD GFW 3-0
11/7 6:30pmIowa Central CCTritonsW 3-0
11/14 6:30pmTBA  
11/21 6:30pmTBA  
11/28 6:30pmTBA  

Mario Kart Deluxe 8 Open Series FL24

This player will compete on Thursdays at 6:30.
All Matches will be streamed live on our Twitch channel.

Player Name:

Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
10/3 6:30pmMississippi Gulf Coast CC[MGCCC] MK8 OS – GOLDL 2-4
10/10 6:30pmNo MatchNo Match 
10/17 6:30pmSW Wisconsin TCMario Kart OS RABIL 4-3
10/24 6:30pmSUNY Jefferson CCMario Kart F24 – JustinW 4-1
10/31 6:30pmDACCMarioKart OS TylerL 4-3
11/7 6:30pmSeward County Mario Kart OS – SilverW 4-0
11/14 6:30pmTBA  
11/21 6:30pmTBA  
11/28 6:30pmTBA  

Mario Kart Deluxe 8 Competitvie Series FL24

This player will compete on Thursdays at 6:00.
All Matches will be streamed live on our Twitch channel.

Player Name: Beamkirby
Game DateOpponentOpponent Team NameFinal
 10/3 6:00pmKirtland CCMK8 CS BeauWildW 4-0
10/10 6:00pmIowa Western CCIWCC | Mario Kart | deuce0695W 4-1
 10/17 6:00pmKirtland CCMK8 CS SKOIBOIL 4-2
10/24 6:00pmIWCCMario Kart StarW 4-0
10/31 6:00pmHearlandMario Kart CS – WindyW 4-0
11/7 6:00pmMarshalltownMario Kart 1v1 CS – CapitalismL 1-4
11/14 6:00pmTBA  
11/21 6:00pmTBA  
11/28 6:00pmTBA