Rights & Responsibilities
Please review the following rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities, the faculty, and the Office of Disability Support Services:
Student Rights & Responsibilities
As a student at Glen Oaks Community College with a documented disability you have the right to…
- Not be discriminated against based on your disability
- Reasonable and effective accommodations
- Have all verbal and written disability information provided to the Disability Support Services office treated in a confidential manner
- Expect the Disability Support Services office advocate for your needs
- Appeal decisions of the Disability Support Services office
As a student at Glen Oaks Community College with a documented disability you have the responsibility to…
- Self-identify to the Disability Support Services office
- Provide appropriate documentation of disability as a condition of receiving accommodations
- Advocate for yourself
- Seek reasonable accommodations only through the Disability Support Services office
- Make requests for accommodations early
- Notify the Disability Support Services office of problems you are experiencing with respect to receiving accommodations
- Provide your own personal aid, if necessary
- Report your special needs and concerns to faculty as early as reasonably possible
- Meet all of the academic requirements of the class with or without accommodations
Faculty Rights & Responsibilities
Faculty at Glen Oaks Community College has the right to…
- Require verification of a student’s disabled status from the Disability Support Services office
- Uphold the academic integrity of their class
- Insist that all quizzes and tests administered outside of the classroom be administered in a secure manner
Faculty at Glen Oaks Community College has the responsibility to…
- Maintain confidentiality with respect to the disabled status of your students
- Talk with your disabled students privately about what you may do to accommodate their unique needs
- Include a statement in your syllabus to disabled students about receiving services from the Disability Support Services office
- Act immediately on official accommodation request that come through the Disability Support Services office
- Only provide accommodations to students who go through the Disability Support Services office
- As much as possible, follow the principles of Universal Design in the presentation of class material
- Assure that all material presented in class, including all media, is in an accessible format
- Not ask a student if they are disabled
- Identify the essential functions, abilities, skills, and knowledge of your class
- Notify the Disability Support Services office if you disagree with or are having difficulty meeting accommodation requests
Disability Support Services Rights & Responsibilities
Glen Oaks Community College Disability Support Services has the right to…
- Receive appropriate documentation for accommodation requests in a timely manner
- Expect the student to work cooperatively with the Disability Support Services office and faculty in providing appropriate services and accommodations
- Deny accommodation requests that would result in eliminating or reducing the core intent or academic content of a class
- Deny unreasonable, undocumented, or insufficiently documented accommodation requests
Glen Oaks Community College Disability Support Services has the responsibility to…
- Provide disabled students with equal access to all educational and co-curricular programs, services and activities of Glen Oaks Community College
- Provide reasonable and effective accommodations to eligible students
- Maintain all verbal and written disability information provided to the Disability Support Services office in a confidential manner
- Advocate for disabled students with faculty and Glen Oaks Community College as a whole
- Assist disabled students in clearly identifying their strengths and functional limitations
- Clearly communicate standards and expectations to both students and faculty