Glen Oaks Community College

Federal College Work-Study Employment Information

Work-Study Employment is a financial aid program that is awarded to students who have financial need.

The program provides jobs for students, allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses.

Smiling black man in the office in anticipation of the long-awaited letter about work


  • Awards are earned by working for eligible employers on and off campus.
  • Maximum 20 hours per week


  • Must submit a FAFSA each academic year
  • Need-based
  • Enrolled at least half-time in a degree program


  • Award amounts vary, based on available funding and student’s financial need.
  • Locate Work-Study employment opportunities by reviewing job postings on the college Concourse and on the Work Study Jobs page.
  • Student will be required to interview with Supervisor.
  • Students receive paychecks for work performed.

General Information about Student Employment

A basic premise governing need-based financial aid programs is that students and/or families have the primary responsibility to pay for college costs. Part of this expectation is that students, to the extent that they are able, should help pay for their college expenses. Student employment can make an important contribution to available financial resources. Many students and/or families assume that it is unwise for students to work during the academic year. However, compared to students who do not work, studies show that students who work a modest number of hours per week–no more than fifteen–will, on average:
  • Have higher grade point averages,
  • Graduate at a faster rate,
  • Be less likely to drop out, and
  • Have important job skills to include on their resumes.

Employment provides financial resources that may be critical to meeting college costs.

Why? Some possible explanations are:

  • Working students become better organized and manage their time better.
  • Employment exposes students to more mentor-type relationships and increases interactions with “real world” people.